Difference: TWikiVariables (90 vs. 91)

Revision 912016-07-11 - TWikiContributor

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  But this is not enough. To guarantee a certain result, you need to finalise critical preferences variables set at the web or topic level, which is cumbersome.
So preferences variables DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES have been introduced.
  • DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES may have comma separated list of variable names
So preferences variables DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES have been introduced.
  • DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES may have comma separated list of variable names
  • If a preferences variable is listed in DENYUSERPREFEENCES, the variable cannot be overridden at the user level. There is a special value "all", which means no preferences variables can be overridden at the user level
  • If ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES is set and not empty, only the listed preferences variables can be overridden. There is a special value "all", which means any preferences variable can be overridden at the user level. But actually, "all" is not necessary since a blank value or not setting ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES has the same effect
  • DENYUSERPREFEENCES takes precedence over ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES. If a variable is listed on both, it cannot be overridden. If DENYUSERPREFEENCES is "all", the value of ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES doesn't matter.
  • If ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES is set and not empty, only the listed preferences variables can be overridden. There is a special value "all", which means any preferences variable can be overridden at the user level. But actually, "all" is not necessary since a blank value or not setting ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES has the same effect
  • DENYUSERPREFEENCES takes precedence over ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES. If a variable is listed on both, it cannot be overridden. If DENYUSERPREFEENCES is "all", the value of ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES doesn't matter.
 For example, if you don't allow overriding at the user level at all:

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Please note DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES affect user preferences regardless of $TWiki::cfg{DemoteUserPreferences}.
Please note DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES affect user preferences regardless of $TWiki::cfg{DemoteUserPreferences}.
 You can set those variables at the site level while $TWiki::cfg{DemoteUserPreferences} setting to false.
If you do so, you should finalise DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES.
If you do so, you should finalise DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES.
 Otherwise, they might be overridden by user preferences.
You will get the most benefit of DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFEENCES by setting $TWiki::cfg{DemoteUserPreferences} to true.
You will get the most benefit of DENYUSERPREFEENCES and ALLOWUSERPREFERENCES by setting $TWiki::cfg{DemoteUserPreferences} to true.
 That way, each web can specify how much user level preferences overriding is allowed.

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